Monday, March 23, 2009


Why do guys buy long sleeve shirts and then push them clear up until they are in the short sleeve area? Why not just by short sleeves?

Do "emo" kids ever grow up? And if they do what do they look like? Do they then have little "emo" kids? Because I don't think I've seen an emo baby. And I don't know what I would do if I did.
In what universe would Tripp pants be comfortable? (and I totally can see why they are called Tripp pants. Because if you aren't very careful how you walk in them there is so much fabric you could trip.)


i'm erin. said...

hahaha, Emo kids sometimes freak me out a little bit...especially when they walk past my house with their skin tight narrow leg jeans on, and their black eye shadow...oh, and they happen to be BOYS! aghhh...I would KILL my kid if he dress like that...

I could see that the tripp pants would be useful if you had elephantitus in your legs.

since I only do in one leg, maybe I could get a pair of pants made that has one skinny emo leg and one tripp leg.

Christa said...

I would also like to know why girls who play sports, like softball, volleyball or basketball, wear jerseys that have "short" sleeves and then bunch them up into a tank length. Or worse, use a velcro strap to push and hold them up. Why not just choose the tank style jersey in the first place? It seems to me that they spend a lot of time pushing, shoving and twisting the sleeves back up into place. It drives me crazy and if it's distracting to me, how could it not be distracting to the athlete?

Jillene said...

Christa took the words right out of my mouth (great minds think a like right Christa?!). Save yourself the trouble and just buy what you want to wear. Short sleeves, tanks whatever. Enough with the bunching and scrunching!!

Momza said...

I always tease my kid's friends who are dressing up to show they're "EMO"---it's like one day a year on Halloween isn't enough.
Fun post!

Kristina P. said...

I don't ever think I've seen an emo adult. Good call.

Lara Neves said...

I'm pretty sure the emos grow out of it...I hope. But what I wonder, is what all those kids with the tribal gaged piercings in their ears will do with the quarter sized holes in their ears.

Lady of Perpetual Chaos said...

I already trip over my pajama pants. The Tripp pants would be a disaster! Although I wouldn't have to worry if I looked fat in them because nothing would show. Bonus.

Fiauna said...

Good questions, all. Sorry, I have no answers. The pants??? I'm scared for our future.

Lori said...

What is up with the pants??? I had to go online to find out what emo was..LOL That's how out of touch I am. They are strange these emo people!

the fowlers said...

i haven't met an emo baby but i have met a punk baby. he wanted an iron maiden doll for christmas - he was about 4.

wait! there is an emo baby: ashlee simpson and pete wentz's son, bronx mowgli wentz. google it. we'll have to wait and see how he turns out.

Lisa Summerhays said...

My husband had to buy extra long sleeves tall shirts since he's so tall and skinny. They cost more too. Then he'll push the dang sleeves up. What is the point of spending the extra cash for the longer sleeves?!? Drives me crazy.

Kathy said...

Back from blog-hibernation and loved your post! I'm one who could trip if I was naked from the waist-down, so you'll never find me in a pair of Tripp pants!

3 Bay B Chicks said...

This post demonstrates how totally not-with-it I am. When you wrote about "emo" kids, I made the leap that you were referring to emotional children.

I thought, of course they don't grow out of it. I know more overly emotional adults than I can count.


amelia said...

Emo kids: you are not being "trendy" with those pants. Those pants were cool with the goth kids when I went to high school!

wendy said...

I am obviously out of it as I don't know what "emo" kids, babies or whatever??? Those pants are a joke--when I see boys wearing them I want to ask what in the world they are thinking --or I just want to pull them all the way off ---but I'd get shot or something.

Anonymous said...

Those pants are an atrocity! I hate them. I push my sleeves up halfway between my wrists and elbows. Do you still like me?

Brittany Marie said...

I MUST know what you think of the screamy "guy" on American Idol.

Jules AF said...

Please tell me you've seen Tickle Me Emo. If you haven't, google it.

Barbaloot said...

I'm not sure why guys push the sleeves up, but when they wear Sunday shirts, and roll them up to their elbows....well, I just think it's kind of really sexy. So I'm okay with it:)

Jan said...

My son was wearing a long sleeve shirt just yesterday and I was wondering why he rolled his sleeves up too :)

I love those pants. I think I would look trippy in them. Not. I could use the chains though for various reasons.

Omgirl said...

I think the same thing will happen to emo kids as they grow up as happened to goth kids from my generation: Most of them grow out of it. A few cling to it and look more ridiculous the older they get. But most dress their kids totally normally, which is funny. I have 2 goth friends who are married--they both still wear all black but they dress their little girl in pink and purple. Go figure.

mCat said...

I've often wondered about emo kids too and what becomes of them. Unibomber? yikes....

tiburon said...

Emo kids totally grow up. I was goth in high school and I turned out okay.

Just saying ;)

Jo said...

I don't know. But I don't get kids nowadays at all.