It was beautifully written. Some parts were slow. Others took me by surprise. It's not your typical book. If you like dogs and are into breeding dogs this might be one you would enjoy. It even had some creepy, halloween-y heart thumping parts.
I love the way the way the author tells the story from more than one characters point of view. That is actually the format that I enjoy the most when reading a book. You even get to hear from the dogs once or twice. Mostly you hear from the main character though. It is a good story. It is not a fluff read. Expect to be challenged as you read it.
I wasn't happy with the ending. I don't want to spoil it if you do decide to read it so that is all I will say. Oh and if you don't have a huge vocabulary you may need to have a dictionary close by for a few of the words. I should have looked a couple up to find out what they meant but I wanted to finish the book so I could get to the other three that are waiting for me.
The reason why I finished it instead of working on the blocks and signs for the boutique(yes I can spell it right) is that my printer decided to die on me today. Lovely. I need it to do the voodoo that I do-do so well.
Hope you get the printer up and running soon so you can create your ADORABLE--everything!!
Hmmm, this may be a good book club read.
This looks like a good read. I saw the book on your sidebar that looks like a great read too. I am always on the look our for new books to add to my list. Thanks for the review.
If I were going to read a book about dog, it'd be Marley & Me, but since I don't wanna sob at the end...I won't!
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