25 Things I Love to Hate
- Laundry
- "Cold fish" hand shakes
- People who leave their blinkers on
- Zits
- Dishonesty
- Cold feet
- Drugs
- People who push drugs
- When people mispronounce words or phrases (It's not "Can I axe you something? It's "May I ask you something?" and it's "I COULDN'T care less!")
- The phrase "beyond a shadow of a doubt" I don't know why. It just grates on my nerves.
- Gossip
- The Suite Life of Zac and Cody
- People who pull into that space in front of me while I am driving that I have reserved as my "safe stopping distance space"
- Cereal bags (yes we buy our cereal in bags not boxes) that won't open with out tearing so you can reseal them.
- Debt
- Rich people getting monstrous bonuses
- People who go "Green" with a "Holier than thou" attitude.
- People who eat healthier than me with a "Holier than thou" attitude.
- Pretty much anyone who has a "Holier than thou" attitude.
- People who refer to me as a "Utah" Mormon. Aren't we all equal in the sight of the Lord? (Wait did that sound "Holier than thou?")
- Plugged Nostrils. Especially if only one is plugged up.
- Phlegm
- Bruised Tailbones
- TV remotes that don't work or whose batteries have died
- Worry warts or Debbie Downers
I hate the whole Utah Mormon thing. I don't even know what that means.
I just have to 'axe' you one question...hahahaha...that is so one of my pet peeves too and when people say "acrosset instead of across"
I am so with you on the holier than thou people. I really hope I never act like that, and if you catch me doing it you have my permission to slap me good.
Can I axe you something? Do you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it isn't supposed to be "I could care less"? Do you know that I love laundry, cold feet and drugs? (dishonesty) Sorry, I couldn't help myself. We are just way too much alike. I hate all of these things, too. Except debt. I just LOVE being in debt. Blech.
Hehehe...I liked this one. THanks for hating all of the same stuff I do. It makes me feel better. :)
I agree whole heartedly! Just had to put that, yah know in honor of V-Day coming up!! I watch this show on PBS and this lady always expecially instead of especially. Ugh! I get so mad every time! There is NO X in especially!!
okay THAT is making me LMBO... I have never thought you were a Utah mormon, that is why you are at PP I knew you were cool LOLOL
Amen to #21..every season is allergy season in my world!
I don't like the single plugged nostril either. Go full out stuffed up or let me breathe. I've never heard of a Utah Mormon as being distinguishable from any other Mormon but what do I know? I'm a Michigan Christian. ;) (oops, now I'm being holier than thou)
That was fun! Love your list and I ♥ you!
Can I axa you sumpin? Has no one ever said how Utah Mormons are different to you? Can I axe you that?
When big burly men shake my hand like a girl...that bugs.
Cold fish handshakes. Hahaha! I can't stand them either.
Great list!
Great list! hahaha I always called them "dead fish" hand shakes. They would definitely be on my list.
Dishes are higher on my hate list than laundry. That might change after I add three more laundry makers to the family.
I have a friend that does #9 all the time. Totally bugs!!
Thanks for playing along.
Can't stand Debbie Downers!
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