Recently I've been having issues with my nose. Not with the outside, with the inside. The smell receptors have been behaving off the charts lately. I can smell a mouse poot from about a quarter of a mile away.
O.k. it's not that bad but it's pretty darn close. The smell enhancers have been doing such an incredible job lately that I even took a trip to the store to buy a pregnancy test. Yup. A pee stick.
The only time my schnoz has ever been this attuned to scents has been when I've been knocked up. So yesterday when I was at the store getting stuff for my 11 year old's birthday party I discretely slipped a test into the grocery basket.
In reality it was a very long shot that I would be preggo because there were absolutely no other symptoms. That and I have the Merena iud so chances were pretty slim. BUT my nose was acting as if I were pregnant so we wanted to be sure.
I took that stick and peed on it. And about died when I saw two lines. Yep count them two. I grabbed the instructions and read them and breathed an incredible sigh of relief when I realized that there needed to be THREE lines for pregnancy. One of those lines needed to be a plus sign. No plus sign, not pregnant.
My thirty-seven year old heart started beating again. So now I just have to learn to live with smell receptors that are off the hook. That's not a sign of nasal cavity cancer or something is it?
Wait...what's that smell?
Well, I have to tell you my heart leapt into my throat when I read you saw two lines. LOLOLOL I can't imagine what it did to YOU!
oh my gosh! I about started screaming. but if you do happen to have a baby...I will throw you a rockin' shower. ummm....and is this why you didn't come near me today...was I too stinky for you?
I felt the same way as the previous two commenters and I don't even know you.
OOHHHH my goodness.....
well, make some bread, bake some cookies, light a candle, and enjoy the extra sensory-ness. LOL!~
Ha ha ha! I would laugh and then cry....alot!
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