Tuesday, January 6, 2009

It's not a four letter word...yet

Wel,l it is actually is a four letter word but I'm still o.k. with the eight inches of s-n-o-w we got yesterday. And it's snowing again here this morning. We have the possibility of another four inches.

It took my husband three hours to make it home last night. His commute is usually 45 minutes to an hour. It was crazy.

I would normally stay home on a day like today but mom just called and needs a ride to the dr's this morning. So I'm bundling up and getting ready to head out.

Wish me luck!


Brooke said...

AAUUUUGH! I don't miss it at all. My kids on the other hand are mad that there has been no opportunity to make a snowman, or to go sledding. Too bad, I'm loving the lack of the white stuff! Drive safe!

Brooke said...

We get a lot of snow, but a lot of it blows on through, too. I think I can handle snow (ok, not really), but the blowing wind here really ticks me off. Wind stinks. So does snow. So does driving in the snow. Good luck.

Jillene said...

GOOD LUCK!! Luckily my husband gets off work at 8:00 p.m. so his commute wasn't as bad. But he did say that he had to go and pick up some stuff for work and a 15 minute drive (round-trip) at 5:45 p.m. turned into 1-1/2 hours. Good times.

Why can't the snow just stay in the mountains?

Unknown said...

I really do love the snow. I know, driving isn;t fun, and I drive my kids two bloks instead of making them walk (who wants wet pant legs all day?) but I still really do love it.

Good luck driving in it!

Lara Neves said...

The four letter word to me is COLD, not necessarily SNOW. :) I can handle the snow when the sun is shining and it's fairly warm (Well, warm for winter anyway). When it's like it's been the last few days I am not a happy camper!

Anonymous said...

Snow you! Snow off! I don't give a flying snow!

Hmm. I'm not sure that's going to catch on very well.

But good luck driving in the sn**. Be safe. We're not getting hit quite as bad here in Boise, but it seems like they are less prepared for it overall.

Kristina P. said...

The roads were pretty yucky last night, but we didn't get that amount of snow!

I wish I could bundle up too!

Brittany Marie said...

We got about 2-3 inches and I got home in about an hour, when my usual commute is between 25-30 minutes. Boo...

Anonymous said...

ugh!!! good luck

tiburon said...

What a good little doobie you are! I am so sick of the snow I could spit.

But it would only freeze.

And what good would that be?

Lee said...

Lol forget that.
I would've seriously just stayed in my house all day near the fireplace.
We got snow ONCE this year and it was great.
Anything past that, pffft. No. Snow sucks.

Brittany Marie said...

Oh and THANK YOU for putting my adoption button on your site!!

Martha H. said...

Cute new page, lady!

S-N-O-W really should be a four-letter word. I can't believe it snowed all day long. Cuh-razy!