Tuesday, January 13, 2009


The past two Saturdays our family has ventured out into the white world and tried to have some fun in it.

The first Saturday was lovely. I even was able to get some good photos of the day.

Here is Jilli after the first wipe out of the day. She was actually loving the fact that she had wiped out.
Jona and his strong shadow

George and two cousins on the sled pushing off for another run down the hill.
McKenna smiling prettily for the camera.
The group at the top of the hill
George going down the hill backwards and loving it.
McKenna going down the hill. This is my favorite shot of the day.
With this running a close second.
Jona and Ty bundled up and watching all the fun.
And Jona going off of the jump that they affectionately dubbed "the butt buster"

This past Saturday did not go as well. We went to a different hill. Much steeper and with pavilions at the bottom. There was space in between the pavilions to go down but someone had made a huge jump there. And after dealing with "the butt buster" the week before the kids knew that they didn't want to go off of it.

We got there and Jona had no gloves. I had told him to find them just before we left. He couldn't find them and decided not to say anything instead of asking for help to find them. Thankfully we had an extra pair for him to wear.

McKenna went down in an area not between the the pavilions and ran into the pavilion. Thankfully she wasn't hurt. Then I went on a run and failed to see a relatively small bump/jump that I hit and went off. My tail bone was not happy with me. It's still complaining today.

Then George. Poor kid. He went down one of the middle runs. Not intending to go off the jump but he ended up flying off of it. I didn't see him come off of it but I heard his cries after he landed. He was screaming and writhing on the ground.

I ran over to him and he said that his back hurt. He was moving his legs thankfully. Ty came over and we got him to where he could walk over to one of the benches in the pavilion and sit down. His face was all sweaty and I could tell he was going into a bit of shock. He was hurt.

So we gathered up all the kids, loaded them back into the car and headed home. On the way home George said "Mom, you know when I was laying there screaming my head off?" and I told him that yes I remembered that. "I thought that I had broken my back."

Awwwww... poor kid. How scary must that have been for him? We got him home and in a warm tub. Gave him some Ibuprofin and he was able to feel better. He is still sore a bit but not complaining about it.

My tail bone on the other hand? It's still pretty tender. Sunday was an adventure trying to sit on the hard folding chairs in Primary and then the benches during sacrament meeting. Then at yoga last night we were instructed to do boat pose and I just had to laugh and sit on my mat. There was no way I was going to be able to do that! My butt was "just saying No" to the boat pose.
We won't be going back to that sledding hill anytime soon. The first one we will return too.


Brooke said...

It looks like you guys had a great time! Sorry your tailbone is hurting. That's never fun. Your kids look so cute!

Martha H. said...

What a fun activity. So sorry about the hurting tail bone, though. Not much fun.

SUPPORT said...

What cute pictures! Hope you get feeling better soon! ♥ Hugs!

TJ said...

I love sledding too, sorry about the butt buster though.

Jillene said...

You need one of those donut pillows for your broken butt!! They are amazing!!

Wonder Woman said...

We went sledding a couple of weeks ago and it didn't work out so well. The snow was just too powdery.

But what a cute family you have! And those are some great pictures. It's funny the things that run through kids minds, and scary! Poor guy. Glad you're all alright.

Lara Neves said...

Your pictures are absolutely beautiful! What a gorgeous day...the sky is so blue!

I'm sorry you all got hurt, though. Hope you feel better soon!

Mary said...

I'm glad you got some good pix! Poor kid...it always breaks my heart to see a child in pain. I hope your bum starts to feel better...and I guess now you know where not to go ;o)

Kristina P. said...

I haven't been sledding in so long!

Take care of yourselves. Ouch!

Brittany Marie said...

Those pictures are SO cute! That looks like a lot of fun!

Anonymous said...

Great photos. Looks like fun. Sorry the second time wasn't as great.

And I HATE when I hurt my tailbone. Seems like it takes forever to heal.

Vanessa said...

Based on your mountain range in the back, your "used to be small town" is my old HS stompin' grounds.

Love your pics! I'm guessing you have photoshop. You must teach me out to use it. Its too complicated.

Just SO said...

I actually want Photoshop. I have Paintshop which is good. I've learned it through trial and error.

Unknown said...

Great photos- and so sorry it was scary. Be careful- broken backs and necks are not uncommon with sledding and tubing- I have really cut back on the thrill of it and keep it low key! I am so glad you guys are all okay- and be nice to that poor tailbone! OUchy!