Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Honest People ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


They rock hard.

I went to the store today to get some milk and cereal so my kids can get themselves breakfast in the morning. I also got some ice melt in hopes o melting some of this white stuff that has almost buried us.

In leaving the store I left my purse in the cart and drove home. Yep. It had my digital camera, my cell phone, my credit cards, my checkbook, my lipgloss....everything. When I got home and went to grab my purse it wasn't there beside me! I panicked (and *hanging head* swore). I couldn't believe that I had left it in the cart....again.

Yes you read that right, again. A few years ago I had a planner. I was pregnant and within the space of a few months I left that planner on the top of the car, drove off with it there where it flew off of the car and I left it in carts at stores....twice.

And this is why honest people rock hard. And one of the reasons that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE where I live....every single time the planner was turned in. With nothing missing.

Just like today. My purse was waiting at the service desk of the grocery store waiting patiently for me to come and get it. Contents intact. An honest guest had found it in the cart and turned it in.

Maybe my purse heard me talking about replacing it and went invisible on me as I was pushing the cart into the cart holder thingy just to spite me but most likely it was me having a brain fart.

Frankly I was exceptionally worried this time around. What with the economy being what it is a purse that is left behind could be very tempting. But the lovely person chose the right and was awesome.

So many, many heartfelt thanks to the honest person who turned my purse in. And all those others before who did the right thing with my planner. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

May good Karma be returned to you all tenfold for doing the right thing.


Kristina P. said...

Yay! I tend to think that there are more honest people in the world than not.

Brooke said...

I panic every time I leave behind (oh I mean, think that I've left behind) my purse. Thank goodness for honest people!

Spansih Fork Tribe said...

I have not heard the word "Brain Fart" in a very long time. You make me laugh!! I think that is going to be my new word. Thanks for expanding my vocabulary!!

TJ said...

It's nice to hear good stories about people once in a while. And I'm very glad for you that you got everything back.

Becky said...

Not to belittle your experience, but I'm so glad that I'm not the only one who does this thing. Did it just last week and had to run back to the store to pick up my belongings.

Yes, honest people are the bomb!

Anonymous said...


go honest people!!!

so glad it was all there, you don't need that headache this week!!!


Jillene said...

I have done that before. In fact--I hae done that several times before. Once it was missing for several days but luckily it was at my mom's house.

Lee said...

Wow, it's lucky that you got your purse back! Honest people do rock!

Unknown said...

Amen to that. I lost my wallet in Thailand and believe me, it was long gone, travel checks and all. An honest person could have made all the difference.

Anonymous said...

Hurray for Good! It IS out there, despite what the media would lead everyone to believe. I think we're the majority. We're just less flashy.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I have done that before! It is the WORST feeling, isn't it??? I have been fortunate to have honest people find my stuff when it's been left behind. Thank goodness! So glad someone found it and turned it in - with everything in it.

the fowlers said...

i love honest people, too. i usually have good luck . . . but i'm too used to honest people and i'm starting to realize that it isn't always the case. in fact, i had a lady scam me at work yesterday. it was crazy!
let's hope most people stay honest, like us.

Martha H. said...

Happy day for you! So glad everything was still in it.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I just noticed the book you're reading. I read that and LOVED it!

Lara Neves said...

I leave my purse everywhere! And, so far, so good. I think most people are more honest than we think, which is wonderful. I am so glad you got yours back today!

Wendyburd1 said...

I am so glad a good person found it! With this economic times, a less honest person could have been very tempted so you found a gem!!

Mary said...

That is awesome! It's sad that many people like to take advantage of others when given the opportunity. You must have some good Karma ;o)

Doublebanker said...

It nice to see that people are still generally honest. Now, I'd get a purse/wallet to its rightful owner...but I wouldn't try leaving mine anywhere to test my theory on the population

Unknown said...

Yay- faith in humanity! Good karma for good people.

PS- how is the book? That has been on my To Read list on Shelfari for, like 2 years!