the sixth picture EVER to be posted on this blog? Holy cow.

Wow this took me back. It came from this post. It was taken during a trip I took by myself up to Salt Lake for a couple of days. I was on the verge of burnout as a wife, mom, daughter, sister and friend. My dear husband gave me the gift of a couple of days off by myself. It was just what I needed.
Oh and if you go to that post and read the comments back then I went by Slacker Mom. That wasn't very positive so I decided to with Just SO. Since my initials are S and O and this blog is about me well it worked out pretty well. Any way this was a fun little tag! Thanks Bradie!
And now...Tag!!! YOU'RE IT! (If you want to be it.) It was an interesting walk down memory lane. Give it a shot.
I must have found you after you changed to Just SO, because I don't remember the Slacker Mom. I think Just SO fits perfectly.
What a fun thing to do. Maybe I'll have to go find my 6th.....
Love the picture.
That's a great picture. It' also nice to know that I'm not the only one who gets burned out sometimes. Slacker Mom sounds vaguely familiar...but maybe that's because that's what I am? ;o)
LOVE your U on the side of your page. I could follow for that alone. Nice picture. Very cool. Us Salt Lakeons (?) take this place for granted, or granite.
That is a great picture. It is funny to go back and look at my first few posts. Whole different little world now :)
How fun! Now I'm interested to see what my 6th photo was...
Lovely photo! My 6th picture will most likely feature a cake. Maybe a small children. Or even a small child eating cake.
Such a pretty picture! I don't think I will be playing along because I am pretty sure that the beginning of my blog only has pictures of me HUGE pregnant...
I'm with Kristina P. Just So seems to be the perfect fit. Hard for me to think of you as a Slacker Mom. Seriously.
Oh, and I just finished watching the Lollipop video with my kids. They loved it! Now, how to tell them that they can't watch it a third time? :)
Love the pick and the name change!
just so is perfect.
it's crazy to look back and see how things have changed. it just goes to show how we evolve every day into who we are this very minute.
you just keep getting better and better, shanna!
love ya.
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