Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Another Day, Another....

Well not another dollar. At least not for me anyway since I'm a stay at home mom. It's more along the lines of...Another day, Another load of laundry to do or another floor to vacuum or another load of dishes to take care of. Sometimes that can be really hard for me to face because it's never ending. I'm working on being okay with it. It didn't used to be like this but for some reason the last while it's been difficult.

I also usually have some place to go, errands to run or someone to take somewhere. I love being able to help out but sometimes that can be difficult as well. Monday I had a rare day where I wasn't called on to take some one somewhere. I did take j. to preschool but that was it. I got a chance to visit with a wonderful older lady who has had some difficulty with her health. She is just an amazing woman. Her and her husband are celebrating their 65th wedding anniversary this month! Can you believe that? I look at her and at my grandmother who is 96 and wonder how old I will live and what will my quality of life be?

I know that some of the struggles that I have been having are because T. and I haven't been able to take time away from everything. It's been over 4 years since we've spent time away from the kids alone. So we decided to try to get away. The problem being that the soonest weekend we could do it is the weekend after Thanksgiving. We thought that this actually might work better because then whoever watched the kids wouldn't have to get them to school and back. But it's turned out to be problematic. It seems that of our family (and we do have a pretty large selection of people to turn to) it looks like there is no one that will be available to watch the kids. I am stressed because we really need to get away and it's looking like the chances for that are slowly slipping away for anytime soon. I don't know what to do. I'm trying to not get down about it but it's hard. If we can't find anyone to watch the kids it will be the second weekend in December before we can go because of T.s on call time. And it's looking more and more like that is going to be the case. *sigh* What worries me more is that something will come up between now and whenever we have planned and we won't be able to get away....ever. And we really need to get away.


Anonymous said...

I hope you can get away together, too. {{HUGS}} You do so much for others ALL of the time --- I think maybe it's "payback" time. Someone can step up and help you out for a weekend. Dontcha' think? :)

Just SO said...

I DO think that but it's just really bad timing and I know that if it were any other weekend that there wouldn't be too much of a problem. That and it's not so much that they don't want to, it's that they can't.

Anonymous said...

I swear if I lived there I would take the kids all weekend long!

I totally agree with the CHiCK again :O) you do soo much for so many!!! I really hope it works out for you and T